
I’m a senior algorithms engineer with Tesla’s Autobidder team. I received my Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Washington under the advisement of Baosen Zhang.

Prior to joining Tesla I was a principal investigator at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, leading research funded by the Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office. I focused on applications of machine learning to power and transportation systems, aiming to understand how the performance of one will impact the other as EV’s hit the roadways in growing numbers.

I’m also very interested in emerging technology’s relationship with and impacts on everyday life. I am a former graduate fellow of the Clean Energy Institute which has helped fund my work on next-generation transportation networks and energy grids. I am 2019-20 Mark Torrance Foundation Tech Due Diligence Analyst providing technical consulting services for E8 angel investments. I am also a member of the Pacific Science Center’s Communications Fellowship where I’ve developed engineering mathematics exhibits for primary grades K-5 students on S-T flow graphs as well as 9-12 students on the Monty Hall problem.